Bricks Incorporated was founded on the principals of heritage and quality. When Chicago was rebuilt after the great Chicago Fire, the majority of buildings were constructed using brick, terracotta, and other durable masonry materials.
We salvage, reclaim, and recycle Chicago common brick. This photo album includes images of local projects and those installed far from Chicago. All are images of reclaimed brick and other options we offer our diverse client base. Learn more about our reclaimed materials here.
Reclaimed Pavers:
Reclaimed Brick:
Milwaukee Cream
full range chicago common
medium pink chicago commons
medium pink chicago commons
Sand Buff reclaimed Chicago Commons – Mangan Builders
220 N Washington Park Ridge – medium pink reclaimed Chicago commons
medium pink chicago commons – THIN BRICK
Biaggis – Sand Buff reclaimed brick
Biaggis – Sand Buff reclaimed brick
Light pink chicago common
clay buff 1654 N Dayton
clay buff 1654 N Dayton
clay buff reclaimed brick + reclaimed pavers – five guys
Park Ridge – medium pink chicago common
light pink reclaimed chicago common
light pink reclaimed chicago common
reclaimed kitchen wall
Sand Buff
Sand Buff
Noodle Love NYC by Terjesen Architects – Silver Fox